VIL: HomTex

Homogeneous Video Texture Dataset (HomTex) is a dataset created by the Visual Information Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol. It contains video sequences with spatially homogeneous static and dynamic textures. It comprises 120 YUV sequences with 250 frames and a spatial resolution of 256x256 pixels. An xls file with manual annotations by experts is provided. Check the readme file for further details and references.

Complete download (zip, 2.7 GiB)

Creator(s) Angeliki Katsenou, Mariana Afonso
Publication date 08 Jul 2016
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.1h2kpxmxdhccf1gbi2pmvga6qp
Citation Angeliki Katsenou, Mariana Afonso (2016): VIL: HomTex.
Total size 2.7 GiB

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