Supporting data for Exploring interactions between a human rhythmic jumper and an oscillating structure using experimental force-displacement analysis

This data in this repository corresponds to experimental data collected for each test subject (7 total) : ground reaction force, centre-of-mass and foot displacement alongside beam structural data: displacement and acceleration for White, R.E., Macdonald, J.H.G., Alexander, N.A. (2023) Exploring interactions between a human rhythmic jumper and an oscillating structure using experimental force-displacement analysis, Structures. The csv files correspond to each test subject's acquired dynamics and the corresponding structural dynamical behaviour.

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Creator(s) Rory White, Mateusz Bocian, Nicholas Alexander, John H G Macdonald, Tony Horseman
Publication date 21 Mar 2023
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.3157uwt4us49v2t6bc5eezg9v3
Citation Rory White, Mateusz Bocian, Nicholas Alexander, John H G Macdonald, Tony Horseman (2023): Supporting data for Exploring interactions between a human rhythmic jumper and an oscillating structure using experimental force-displacement analysis.
Total size 14.4 MiB


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